- Laboratory of molecular cardiovascular pysiology, Dr. Zoltán Benyó
- Semmelweis University, Department of Genetic, Cell- and Immunobiology , FACS lab
- Semmelweis University, Department of Pathology, Forensic and Insurance Medicine
- Dublin City University, Professor Harry Holthofer
- CBR research Institute, Boston, Boston Children’s Hospital, Judy Liebermann
- Sun Yat-Sen University Hospital, Guangzhou, China, Erwei Song
- Semmelweis University, NET Animal House
- Jozef Stefan Institute, Ljubijana, Dr. Marko Fonović
- Utrecht University, Prof. Dr. Gert Storm
- University of Minas, Department of Biochemistry and Immunology, Dawidson Assis Gomes
- Celsion GmbH, Andreas Voss
- SeroScience, János Szebeni
Previous collaborations
- DRC Kft. Balatonfüred
- Dr. Zsombor Lacza
- PTE ÁOK Kórélettani és Gerontológiai Intézet, Prof. Koller Ákos
- Northern Antibiotics, Professor Martti Vaara
- Eberhard Ritz, and here
- Lisa Gross
- Otto von Guericke Universität Magdeburg, Prof. Dr. Ana Claudia Zenclussen
- BSRT Graduate School, Hans-Dieter Volk
- Klinisches Institut für Pathologie der Medizinischen Universität Wien, Prof.Dontscho Kerjaschki