Head of Core Facility
Zoltán Varga PhD
Core Facility Address
Department of Pharmacology and Pharmacotherapy
Nagyvarad tér 4.
1089 Budapest
Contact E-mail
to: Csenger Kovácsházi PhD student
cc: Zoltán Varga PhD
Number of staff
Quality Control
ISO 9001
What we offer
- Collection of anatomical, hemodynamic, functional real-time data with a resolution to 30 μm
Why work with us
- The system can be used in preclinical cardiovascular, oncology, developmental, neurobiology, vascular biology, drug discovery and development experiments
- Monitoring of ECG, heart rate, core temperature, respiration
- Precision micro-injection system is suitable for injections or extraction procedures
- The system contains warmed platform for maintaining optimal physiological conditions for small animals
- Vevo 3100 ultrasound imaging system