Head of Core Facility
István Gyertyán Dr.
Core Facility Address
Department of Pharmacology and Pharmacotherapy
3rd floor, room 311
Nagyvárad tér 4.
1089 Budapest
Contact E-mail
to: István Gyertyán Dr.
Number of staff
Quality Control
ISO 9001
What we offer
- Broad range of cognitive assays (e.g. operant chambers, various maze-learning paradigms, aversive conditioning, etc.)
- Non invasive blood pressure measurement
Why work with us
- Effects on behaviour, specifically on cognitive performance can be measured
- 5-CSRTT apparatus (rat)
- Skinner-box (rat)
- touch-screen apparatus (rat)
- fear-condtioning apparatus (rat, mouse)
- shuttle-box (rat)
- passive avoidance box (rat)
- Morris water-maze (rat)
- Barnes-maze (mouse)
- Y-maze (mouse)
- symmetrical Y-maze (mouse)
- elevated plus-maze (rat)
- NOR box (rat)
- motimeter (rat)
- rotarod (rat)
- pot jumping setup (rat)
- tail cuff BP apparatus (rat)
- Phenomaster (rat)