Head of Core Facility
Anna Sebestyén, PhD
Core Facility Address
Department of Pathology and Experimental Cancer Research
Üllői út 26.
1085 Budapest
Contact E-mail
to: Anna Sebestyén, PhD
Number of staff
Quality Control
ISO 9001
What we offer
Experimental cell culturing with human cancer cell lines in 2D and 3D cell culture systems, primary cell culturing and 3D bioprinting with living cells.
- 3D bioprinting with different type of cancer cells and other non-cancer cells
- bioink preparation (bioink selection for the current cells)
- in vitro cell growth tests in 3D spheroid and 3D bioprinted tissue like grafts
- routine cell culturing technologies and related equipments, laboratories
- primary cell culture laboratory
- steril cell culture laboratory
- cell proliferation, apoptosis and other functional tests in vitro
- Mycoplasma tests
- cell line storage in liquid nitrogen
- in vivo xenotransplantation and growing tests
Why work with us
- The Tissue and Cell Culture Laboratory at 1st Department of Pathology and Experimental Cancer Research Institute has a decades-long tradition in tumour biology studies
- In the connected cell line storage capacities several different type of cancer cell lines (more than human tumour 200 cell lines) and related primary, sterile tissue cell culture and 3D bioprinting Unit are available
- The Laboratory has wide experience in 2D and 3D cell culturing, primary cell culture and cell line stabilization and working with cell lines with different in vivo xenograft models
- the 3D bioprinting technology was established using Bioscaffolder 3.2 (3D bioprinter, GeSiM, Radeberg, Germany) for printing extrusion-based 3D scaffolds with special bioinks containing living tumour or normal cells
Bioscaffolder 3.2 (3D bioprinter, GeSiM, Radeberg, Germany) for printing extrusion-based 3D scaffolds with special bioinks containing living cells
The Live-Cell 3D Bioprinting Unit provides facilities and available technologies at the Tissue and Cell Culture Laboratory in 1st Department of Pathology and Experimental Cancer Research to print and work with in vitro growing 3 dimensional tumour models for basic research and drug testing experiments
- http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/pmc9267600/
- http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/pmc9946983/
Invited Conference Speeches
- Sebestyén A – 3D bioprinted tumor models in metabolic adaptation studies 51.
Membrane-Tnasport Conference Sümeg 2022 - BEYOND LIMITS 3D BIOPRINTING- 3D bioprinting and its application Budapest 2021
(Perform-Cellink organized scientific meeting)
- Sebestyén A – 3D bioprinted tumor models in metabolic adaptation studies 51.