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Ágoston Szél, Rector of Semmelweis University
Laszló Hunyady, Dean of Medical School
György Losonczy, Conference Chair
8:30 Opening address
Agoston Szel, Rector of Semmefvveis University
I. Update on bronchial asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)
Chair: lldikó Horvath
9:00 Peter J. Bames, Imperial College, London, UK
New targets and treatments for COPD
9:25 lldikó Horvath, Semmefvveis University and National Koranyi Institute, Budapest, Hungary
Big data in asthma phenotyping
9:45 András Bikov
Innovative approaches in exhaled biomarker measurements
10:10 Balazs Antus, National Koranyi Institute, Budapest, Hungary
Airway biomarkers in COPD
10:30 Discussion
10:40 Break
II. New therapeutic concepts in obstructive lung diseases
Chair: Gabor Horvath
11:00 Adam Wanner, University of Miami, USA
Alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency-related COPD
11:25 Andreas Schmid, University of Miami, USA
Bronchiectasis: challenges in diagnosis and treatment
11:50 Matthias Salathe, University of Miami, USA
Novel approaches to correct cystic fibrosis related airway disease: relevance to COPD?
12:15 Gabor Horvath, Semmefvveis University, Budapest, Hungary
Inhaled bronchodilators: mechanisms of drugs absorption in the airway
12:35 Discussion
12:45 Lunch
lll. Non-invasive ventilation
Chair: Andras Lorx
14:00 Wolfram Windisch, Merheim Lungenklinik, Cologne, Germany
Home non-invasive ventilation in COPD: what is the best approach?
14:25 Jozsef Lukacsovits, Semmelweis University, Budapest, Hungary
Physiological changes during low- and high-intensity non-invasive ventilation
14:45 Piero Ceriana, Pavia, Italy
The difficult -to- wean patient: role of rehabilitation and non-invasive ventilation
15:10 Andras Lorx, Semmelweis University, Budapest, Hungary
The grey zone: indications and limitations of non-invasive ventilation in acute settings
15:30 Olli Polo, University of Turku, Finland
Sleep apnea and the autonomic nervous system
15:55 Discussion
16:05 Break
IV. Pulmonary hypertension
Chair: Kristof Karlocai
16:20 Anna Csiszar, University of Oklahoma, Oklahoma City, USA
Ageing induced functional and phenotypic alterations in vascular cells
16:45 Gabor Kovacs Jr., Medical University of Graz, Austria
Right heart catheter at rest and exercise
17:05 Horst Olschewski, Medical University of Graz, Austria
New therapies for pulmonary hypertension
17:25 Kristof Karlocai, Semmelweis University, Budapest, Hungary
Pregnancy and pulmonary hypertension
17:45 Discussion
V. Rehabilitation - Exercise physiology
Chair: Attila Somfay
8:30 Richard H. Casaburi, University of Califomia, Los Angeles, USA
Pulmonary rehabilitation: a new focus on physical activity
8:55 Attila Somfay, University of Szeged, Szeged, Hungary
Pharmacological and non-pharmacological interventions to reduce dynamic hyperinflation in patients with COPD
9:15 Peter Apor; Semmelweis University, Budapest
Sarcopenia in pulmonology, cardiology and geriatrics
9:35 Miklós Tóth, Serrmelweis University, Budapest, Hungary
Exercise testing and mass-spectrometry
9:55 Discussion
10:05 Break
VI. Lung cancer 1
Chairs: Judit Moldvay
10:25 Paolo Boffetta, Tisch Cancer Institute, New York, USA
Screening of lung cancer
11:50 Judit Moldvay, Semmelweis University, Budapest, Hungary
Tight junction proteins in lung cancer
12:10 Helmuth Popper; University of Graz, Austria
Molecular pathology of non-small cell lung cancer
12:35 Mir Ali Reza Hoda, Medical University of Vienna, Austria
Recent developments and new therapeutic strategies in malignant pleural mesothelioma
12.55 Discussion
13:05 Lunch
VII. Asthma in pregnancy
Chairs: Lilla Tamasi
14:15 Christopher VII. G. Redman, John Redcliffe, Oxford, UK
Immunology of placentation
14:45 Lilla Tamasi, Semmelweis University, Budapest, Hungary
Asthma in pregnancy: immune changes and monitoring
15:00 Michael Schatz, Kaiser Permanente, San Diego, USA
Asthma in pregnancy: diagnosis and treatment
15:25 János Rigó, Semmelweis University, Budapest, Hungary
Medical disorders and preeclampsia
15:45 Discussion
15:55 Break
VIII. Innate lymphoid cells and bronchial asthma
Chair: Zsolt Komlósi
16:15 Mubeccel Akdis, Swiss Institute of Allergy and Asthma Research, Davos, Switzerland
Mechanisms of peripheral tolerance to allergens
16:40 Zsolt Komlósi, Semmelweis University, Budapest, Hungary
lmmunoregulatory role for ,type 3" innate lymphoid cells
17:00 Burkhard Ludewig, St. Gallen, Switzerland
Stromal cells regulate lymphoid organ development and immune responsiveness
17:25 Discussion
17:35 Break
Chair: György Losonczy
17:45 Jean-Paul Sculier; Free University of Brussels, Belgium
Targeted treatment of advanced stage non-small cell lung cancer
18:10 György Losonczy, Semmelweis University, Budapest, Hungary
Risk and prevention of cisplatin nephrotoxicity
18:25 Chris Baylis, University of Gainesville, Florida, USA
Physiology of toxic acute renal failure
18:50 Discussion
20:00 Gala Dinner (Marble Hall of the Museum of Military History, Buda Castle) November 8, Saturday
Chair: Veronika Müller
8:30 Uwe Heemann, Technical University Munich
Optimizing immunosuppressive therapies to prevent pulmonary complications
8:55 Veronika Müller; Semmelweis University, Budapest, Hungary Pleuropulmonary changes in immunocompromized patients: infection or underlying disease?
9:15 György Lang, Semmelweis University, Budapest and Medical University of Vienna, Austria
Bridge therapies from end-stage lung disease to lung transplantation
9:35 Nandor Marczin, Imperial College London, London, UK
Optimizing donor lungs and perioperative recipient care in lung transplantation
10:00 Discussion
10:10 Break
10:25 Semmelweis Budapest Award Ceremony
Award Winner: György Klein, Nobel Laureate
Award is presented by Ágoston Szél, Rector of Semmelweis University
11.00 Closing remarks
György Losonczy
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