Semmelweis University Organizational and Operational Regulations
– Part III. Student Standards –
Chapter III.2. Study and Examination Regulations

14. Remedies in Educational Matters and the Obligations of the Institution to Provide Information

Article 57 [The Obligations of the Institution to Provide Information and Consultation]

(1) The Deans of the faculties shall ensure that students starting their studies at the University are given access to the Study and Examination Regulations as well as the academic bulletin (or the Calendar) before enrollment. The provisions on the content and publication of the bulletin and the Calendar are set out in the Government Decree 87/2015. (IV.9.) implementing certain provisions of Act CCIV/2011 on National Higher Education (Hereinafter: Nftv. Vhr.) and can be found on the homepage of the faculties.

(2) The Study and Examination Regulations shall be published in the Register of Regulations in English and German as well.

(3) Each academic year the university shall publish an academic bulletin in Hungarian, English and German, containing relevant information for the upcoming academic year. The faculties may also publish certain information in addition to the Calendar on their website.