Semmelweis University Organizational and Operational Regulations
– Part III. Student Standards –
Chapter III.2. Study and Examination Regulations

10. Pre-degree Certificate, Diploma work, Final Examination

Article 45 [Pre-degree Certificate (Absolutorium)]

(1) Until gaining the pre-degree certificate – in case of self-funded training – in bachelor’s, master’s, or post-graduate specialization programs, in addition to the training period, students may have a maximum of 4 active semesters, or in single-cycle long program, a further 8 active semesters.

(2) Until gaining the pre-degree certificate – in case of self-funded training – the possible number of inactive semesters is 4 in long-cycle (i.e. undivided), bachelor’s, master’s, and post-graduate specialization programs, with the exception of the cases provided for in paragraphs (1−2) of Article 45 of Act CCIV of 2011 on National Higher Education (Nftv.), the period of continuous interruption may not exceed 2 semesters.

(3) In justified cases and with the prior consent of the head of the faculty, students participating in further education may be allowed to interrupt their student status for a different period of time, subject to the conditions set out in paragraphs (1−2) of Article 45 of the Nftv.

(4) In order to obtain a pre-degree certificate, students are required to complete at least one-third of credit value of their program at Semmelweis University – even in a case of acceptance of the completed credits and previous studies from other higher education institutions, in addition to earlier acquired knowledge recognized as credits – including the acquired and accepted credit value of courses in other programs of the University.

(5) The Registrar’s Office issues the pre-degree certificate if the relevant conditions are met, with recording the acquisition in the NEPTUN, with the Dean of the Faculty signing a certificate of issue upon the request of the student.