Semmelweis University Organizational and Operational Regulations
– Part III. Student Standards –
Chapter III.2. Study and Examination Regulations

7. Assessment of Meeting the Study Requirements

Article 30 [Rules of Examinations]

(1) An examination may comprise

  1. oral assessment,
  2. written assessment,
  3. practical examination,
  4. or the combination of a)-c) points,
    in which the results of the end-of-term assessments or of a certain group of the end-of-term assessments may be taken into account in the manner specified in the course syllabus (course requirements) and in the schedule of assessment, with regards to the provisions of paragraphs (4) and (5) of Article 28.

(2) The examination may be simple or combined. A simple examination comprises only one examination part defined in paragraph (1), whereas a combined examination consists of at least two of those.

(3) The course syllabus (course requirements) defines which parts from paragraph (1) the combined examination contains.

(4) The course syllabus (course requirements) shall specify:

  1. the level of performance required to pass the examination or the individual parts of the combined examination,
  2. what end-of-term assessment results are to be considered in the result of the combined examination, and to what extent/rate/percentage the results should be integrated into the combined examination grade,
  3. whether the individual parts of a combined examination can be retaken or retaken for an upgrade.

(5) All the parts of a combined examination must be successfully taken in the same semester and the individual parts must be taken on the same day unless the faculty, in accordance with paragraph 4) c), gives the student the possibility that the successful parts of the combined examination need not to be retaken.

(6) Failure of an examination for any reason, including the failure of a part of the combined examination, with the exception of a partial examination defined in paragraph (1) d), shall reduce the number of examination attempts available to the student by one.

(7) Those results achieved in the study period that have been taken into account in the term grade or the examination grade are to be taken into account in every semester, in which the “signed” entry is valid, unless otherwise defined in the course syllabus (course requirements).

(8) An examination record form including the following information shall be printed from the NEPTUN system in case of an examination, even in the case of an examination that was a part of a combined examination:

  1. the semester of the given academic year,
  2. the name and serial number of the subject or curriculum unit,
  3. the date of the examination,
  4. the name of the examiner,
  5. the examiner’s identification number and signature,
  6. the name and student identification number of the student, who registered for the examination, and
  7. the assessment of the exam, and the date.

(9) An examination record form shall also be issued for non-examination assessment.

(10) The examiner records the assessment of the examination in the examination record form and validates it by signing it after the examination promptly

(11) The organizational unit responsible for the subject shall keep the examination record form for the period specified by law, but for at least 10 years. The head of the organizational unit is responsible for the safekeeping of the examination record form.

(12) The examination is assessed with a single grade on a five-point scale.

(13) In the case of a failed combined comprehensive examination, only the failed examination part needs to be retaken if the course syllabus (course requirements) so provides.

(14) If the course syllabus (course requirements) so provides, the result of the successful examination parts remains valid until the end of the semester, including the result of an examination taken in the spring semester, but in the period outside of the academic year (EOAY).

(15) In the case of comprehensive examinations, the examination is conducted by senior lecturers (associate professors, professors, college associate professors, college professors). However, in justified cases, the dean, on the proposal of the head of the department, may authorize other lecturers, researchers, teachers, clinical chief physicians actively involved in teaching to conduct the examination. In all cases, the authorization shall be valid only for the given semester. If the comprehensive examination covers the subject matter of more than one subject, and in the case of retaken comprehensive examinations, the examination shall be taken before a two-member examination board. The chair of the examination board shall be a senior lecturer or a lecturer, researcher, teacher, clinical chief physician holding the dean’s permission.

(16) In the case of a written (partial) examination, the examination in front of the examination board shall mean that the examination paper is assessed by at least two different examiners, independently of each other. The result of the (partial) examination is determined by the examination board.

(17) If the comprehensive examination is to be taken before an examination board, the examination may be held only if both members of the examination board are present at the examination or at the individual parts of the examination.