An Empirical Study of Ancient Wisdom. Effect of Anasakti (Non-Attachment) and Ahamkara (Ego) on Well-Being Amongst Indians
Kriti GUPTA & Jyotsna AGRAWALContact / Kontakt / Kapcsolat
EJMH Vol 17 Issue 3 (2022) 78-95;
Received: 22 June 2021; Accepted: 12 October 2022; Online: 13 December 2022
Section: Research Papers
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Introduction: According to Indian psychology, anasakti (non-attachment) and ahamkara (ego) play a significant role in determining true happiness.

Aims: To study the role of anasakti (non-attachment) and ahamkara (ego) on the level of well-being amongst Indian adults.

Methods: For the current study, 240 educated, urban Indian adults (Females = 104, Males = 136) were surveyed to investigate the relationship of anasakti (non-attachment) and ahamkara (ego) with well-being variables.

Results: Anasakti (“non-attachment”) was revealed to be a significant factor in ensuring life satisfaction and experiencing positive emotions. Although ahamkara (“ego”) contributed significantly toward higher cognitive well-being and affective states, it better predicted negative emotions.

Conclusions: The current study’s findings may widen our understanding of “What makes people happy?” and may add to the global well-being literature.


non-attachment, ego, well-being, yoga psychology, India

Corresponding author


National Institute of Mental Health Neurosciences, Department of Clinical Psychology, Bengaluru, India



O.P. Jindal Global University, Jindal School of Psychology and Counseling, Sonepat, Haryana, India

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