Within a country-wide program (Lenhossék Program), the HBTB has been contracted with Hungarian pathological, neurological and neurosurgical departments or laboratories to collect human brains. Post mortem delay: 2-6 h


  • family consent or medicolegal cases

Obligatory information:

  • family report
  • medical report (died in public place) or
  • clinical report (died in hospital)
  • pathological report
  • tests for: HIV, hepatitis, syphylis, Tb, drugs
  • neuropathological report

Specification of the brain samples

Macrodissected brain areas (in 2.0 ml Eppendorf tubes)
57 different brain regions (representative for the whole brain)
0.1-2.0 g tissue weight

Microdisssected brain nuclei and areas (in 1.5 ml Eppendorf tubes) 236 different brain regions 1.0-100 mg tissue weight

Topographically oriented brain tissue blocks
72 different brain regions in about 1.0  1.0 × 2.0 cm size ready for cryostat sectioning and in situ hybridization histochemistry