RS20762_KA-20140717-IMG_7231-hallgato-scr“Subject 2015” is a new thematic ranking which has been released recently by QS World University Rankings. In the category of medical education Semmelweis University was rated among the best 150 institutions.

Péter Szluka, director of the Central Library pointed out that Semmelweis University scored 253rd in the QS World University Rankings by Faculty list last year, however this list evaluated institutions in the category of “Life Sciences & Medicine” based on the aggregate results of all the scientific fields. The new list enables differentiation between various scientific fields which makes the evaluation of universities more accurate. The category of “Life Sciences & Medicine” is divided into seven subcategories, including medicine and pharmacy.

Több mint háromszáz hallgató kapott oklevelet a  Semmelweis Egyetem Egészségtudomány Karának diplomaátadó ünnepségén. Az eskütétel után Dr. Mészáros Judit, az Egészségtudományi Kar dékánja adta át a frissen végzettek okleveleit, Dr. Szél Ágoston, a Semmelweis Egyetem rektora kézfogásával diplomásokká avatta ?ket. Az ünnepi tanács ülésén részt vett a fels?oktatásért felel?s államtitkár, Dr. Klinghammer István. Az eskütételt Dr. Vingender István dékánhelyettes vezette le.Semmelweis University ranked between 101st and 150th, while the University of Debrecen scored between 151st and 200th, the University of Pécs was listed among universities between 201st and 250th, and the University of Szeged was assigned a place between 251st and 300th in the ranking category of medical education. Semmelweis University, the University of Debrecen and the University of Szeged all scored between 151st and 200th in the category of pharmaceutical education. Precise ranking points were allocated only to institutions scoring within the top 50.

The thematic lists were created based on the previous method of taking into consideration the universities’ recognition in the scientific field, the general opinion of their employees and the citation index of their scientific publications. The world university rankings have been released since 2004 by Quacquarelli Symonds, a company based in London.

Eight of the Hungarian higher institutions were recorded in the thematic ranking lists: Central European University, Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Corvinus University of Budapest, Semmelweis University, University of Szeged, University of Debrecen and the University of Pécs.

Szilvia Tóth-Szabó
Photo: Attila Kovács – Semmelweis University
Translated by: Ágnes Raubinek