Helyszín: Madách Theatre, 1073 Budapest, Erzsébet krt. 29-33.

Dátum: 2019.07.06.

{"name":"Graduation ceremony of the Faculty of Dentistry", "description":"

Detailed programme The conferment of the docotral titles on the students graduating in 2019 Award ceremonies: Károly Balogh Award Gyula Máthé Award The presentation of the Dr. Bodák-Gyovai Levente and Catherine Scholarship   The invitation may be downoladed from here.    

Madách Theatre", "startDate":"2019-07-06", "endDate":"2019-07-07", "startTime":"11:00", "endTime":"00:00", "location":"Madách Theatre", "options":["Apple","Google","iCal","Microsoft365", "MicrosoftTeams", "Outlook.com"], "timeZone":"Europe/Budapest", "iCalFileName":"Graduation ceremony of the Faculty of Dentistry", "label":"Naptárba"}

Detailed programme

The conferment of the docotral titles on the students graduating in 2019

Award ceremonies:

Károly Balogh Award

Gyula Máthé Award

The presentation of the Dr. Bodák-Gyovai Levente and Catherine Scholarship


The invitation may be downoladed from here.



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